Herpes cause through sexual contact
Most people in Africa with herpes infections are more likely to be infected by the AIDS virus, which researchers believe enters the body through herpes sores. The common herpes symptoms are oral and genital herpes. For oral herpes the sores appers inside or on the outside of the month of the infected persons and in the case of genital herpes its appers on the genital areas. The virus is spreads through sexuals contact and started with a small sores or blisters on the body where the virus attack and mostly the sores appers after 3 to 20 days after sextual contact.
Genital herpes can also be transmitted from affected pregnant woman to her baby and it can cause fatal diseases in the baby. Also herpes can prove extremely painful to people with suppressed immune systems. In women, blisters usually turn up near the clitoris, vulva, or vagina. Men may first notice the fluid-filled sores on the penis or in the urethra. Both may suffer herpes sores on the thighs or buttocks. For anal intercourse herpes will appers in the rectum.
Labels: herpes symptoms