herpes symptoms

sign and symptom of herpes, early herpes symptom, genital herpes symptom, oral herpes symptom...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Herpes is known as sexually transmitted disease

Herpes is known as sexually transmitted disease. There are two types of herpes. Herpes simplex virus-1 is most often associated with oral herpes, while herpes simplex virus-2 is linked to genital herpes. The best way to protect yourself against herpes is having a safer sexual practices. The symptoms of herpes often appear as to have a red rash, sometimes progressing to blisters. Initial outbreaks are sometimes associated with fevers and flulike symptoms. If you observe any of this thing appearing like that, avoid sexual contact and see your doctor.

The herpes symptoms varies from people to people as some have just one breakout and others have regular bouts of symptoms while many people that have herpes don't even know that they have it because they don't get signs or symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of genital herpes that are often misdiagnosed are misdiagnosed as yeast infection, insect bites, jock itch, urinary tract infections, abrasions or razor burn.
