Some people when infected, show no sign herpes symptoms
Most people who has been infected with genital herpes will never know that they are infected with the disease because it show no symptoms and sign. The sign and symptoms of genital herpes can be so mile that most people who is infected can go unnoticed.
The symptoms of genital herpes are small red bumps, blister or open sores in the genital area, anal and nearby area. The sign is pain or itching around the genital area which begin within a week after having sex to an infected sexual parners. After a few days small red bumps may appear, when it rapture, becoming ulcers that ooze or bleed and eventually the ulcers will heals.
For women, where the symptoms and sign are sores and can erupt in the vaginal area, external genitals, buttocks, anus or cervix and for men the symptoms are sores that appear on the penis, scrotum, buttoch=ks, anus or inside the urethra and channel between the bladder and the penis.
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