Herpes can be passed from a infected person to another person
Herpes can be passed from a infected person to another person throught sexual intercourse, kissing or even touching. The two types of herpes are oral and genital and is cause by Herpes simplex virus. Herpes Simplex virus are class into two types, HSV1 and HSV2. Herpes simplex virus 1 is known to cause oral herpes and HSV 2 is known to cause genital herpes.
Herpes lesions first appear in a small red burns with apperance of blisters and sores on the body. For oral herpes it appears on the lips and the sores can found in and on the mouth. For genital herpes in women, the sores and blisters will appear on the inside and outside vaginal area and on the cervix. Genital herpes for men it appears on the penis. The sores also apeears in the urinary tract of both men and women.
The symptoms of oral herpes may include with fever, muscle pains, felling irritability and most time found very hard in eating. The gum may become swollen and red and the tonque will develop a white coating substance. The symptoms of genital herpes are itching in the surronding and inside area of the vaginal and itching on the penis. Both will find burning sensation during urine.
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