herpes symptoms

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Thursday, July 06, 2006


For Herpes, Genital Herpes, , Cold Sores, Fever Blisters

Dermisil® H is a breakthrough medical treatment proven to eliminate herpes, genital herpes, and cold sores outbreaks, naturally and effectively, without harmful side effects found in many herpes treating drugs. The primary components of Dermisil® H are medically proven anti-viral plant extracts, that are highly effective in combating the HSV1 and HSV2 virus that cause herpes.

Dermisil® H is medically proven to reduce herpes, and cold sore outbreaks safely and effectively. Dermisil® H is 100% natural plant extracts that exclusively target the herpes and cold sore virus safely and effectively. Ending herpes outbreaks becomes a possibility using these breakthrough anti-viral plant extracts.

After spending years of research on homeopathic treatments for herpes, genital herpes, and cold sores, we have developed an exclusive formula not found in any other product. Plant extracts are used in 75% of all traditional pharmaceuticals world-wide.

Breakthrough Medical Treatment Destroys the Herpes Virus

The active components of Dermisil® H are high levels of neral, geraniol, alpha-terpinenes, and linalool. All are very effective anti-viral and anti-inflammatory components found in the plant extracts melissa offficinalis, melaleuca alternifolia, agathophyllum aromatica, avendula augustifolia, and additional key anti-viral plant extracts. All of these compounds have medically proven anti-viral properties and are highly effective in combating the HSV1 and HSV2 virus that cause herpes.

When using these extracts, achieving remission of your herpes outbreaks is possible.

Read the medical studies on the use plant extracts on the treatment of HSV1, HSV2, and Cold Sores.

These plant extracts have a low molecular weight and are lipophilic, which allows them to quickly absorbs into and underneath the herpes outbreak area as soon as they are applied. Other creams and medications sit on top of the skin, and do not penetrate as readily as plant extracts, therefore prolonging the healing process.

We travel the world in search of only certified plant extracts that are pesticide-free and are United States Pharmaceutical grade.

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