first genital herpes
The herpes simplex virus is transmitted during close personal contact through the exchange of saliva, semen, cervical fluid, or vesicle fluid from active lesions. The virus generally does not infect the dead, keratinized cells in the epidermis. It must come in contact with mucosal cells or abraded skin to begin replication and infection.Women are approximately 4 times more likely to acquire a herpes simplex type 2 infection than men.
The first genital herpes outbreak is more painful and lasts longer than recurrent genital herpes outbreaks in both men and women. In women, herpes lesions can occur anywhere in the genital area including the vulva, inside the vagina, on the cervix, and urethra. Herpes lesions can also occur in areas other than the genital area such as the buttocks and thighs. These first lesions are infectious for an average of 3 weeks, longer than in men and longer than recurrences in women, because the blisters contain a large number of infectious viral particles.
Women should understand the spectrum caused by the sympton of herpes simplex virus, and should speak to their health care provider if they have any concerns.
Genital herpes is a lifelong disease that causes painful outbreaks of blisters in the genital area.In addition to a rash in the genital area, women can also get swollen lymph nodes in the groin and burning with urination.woman who has herpes lesions inside the vagina or on the cervix may have pelvic pain and discharge that may be misdiagnosed as a yeast infection,
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