Genital herpes can affect pregnancies.
Genital herpes causes painful blisters to form on the vagina. Genital herpes are a sexually transmitted disease. Genital herpes are contracted through un-protected oral or vaginal intercourse. Genital herpes can also be contracted through anal intercourse. Herpes on the genital areas can be very painful especially for a woman as some herpes infections may be inside the vagina or cervix. Herpes may also appear outside the vaginal area in clusters so large, that the opening to the vaginal canal is almost blocked. Herpes outbreaks may occur more frequently in some women rather than others. In some cases having herpes may be dangerous for some women as they can affect pregnancies.
Genital herpes can also be transmitted from affected pregnant woman to her baby, especially during the primary attack. If the virus is transmitted through the placenta, it can cause fatal diseases in the baby. Also herpes can prove extremely painful to people with suppressed immune systems.
Whenever herepes symptoms get noticed, the doctors treat them with anti viral medicines. The problem of rashes and blisters gets resolved. But the virus does not get out of the body. It remains inside. It can cause active herpes sores again in future.
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